Latest News

  • All Bisley shoots now have a range fee of £15.
  • Sarum Range fee is £8.
  • The club is open for new probationary members. You can view the process here.
  • Range dates through March 2024 are on the Meetings page.
  • Scores up to April 7th are on the Results page.
  • PSG: The club has had many inquiries regarding PSG (Practical Shotgun).
    Please note that the club cannot support prospective members who just want to shoot practical disciplines. Tidworth RPC is a target shooting club with its base at Old Sarum Range.
    PSG is only an additional discipline provided by 2 members who regularly take part in national PSG competitions. They can only support 8 members plus 2 Range Officers per half day practice.
  • If you want anything advertised for sale to club members, let Ian Smedley know.